

A bridge offers a good solution for missing teeth. It provides a quick tooth replacement to fill the gap, restoring full function to your teeth and a complete smile. This is one of various tooth replacement options a dentist can provide.

We offer bridges among our restorative dentistry treatments at Reed Family Dental. Our dentist, Dr. Allison Reed, is happy to discuss various options with you to see if a bridge is the right fit.

How Does a Dental Bridge Work?

A bridge fills the space where the natural tooth is missing. It provides a tooth replacement that achieves the look and function of a real tooth. There are different types of bridges, and our dentist can talk to you about the right one for your situation.

A traditional bridge provides a dental crown to fill the gap. This crown is attached to a crown on each side, which each go over the natural teeth that surround the gap. The dental field calls these surrounding teeth abutment teeth.

There are also bridges that can fill a space where a few teeth are missing, and our dentist may suggest different bridge options depending on the spot in the mouth where the bridge will go. Another choice is between removable or fixed bridges. During a consultation appointment, Dr. Reed discusses whether a bridge is the right option compared to other tooth replacement services, and if so, which type of bridge would be best for the situation.

Why Is a Bridge Beneficial?

A bridge provides a solution when you have tooth damage, decay or infection that leads to the tooth falling out or needing to be professionally extracted. It offers a natural look to restore the smile. This tooth replacement piece also helps you properly talk and chew, which promotes good health and helps you have a better quality of life.

Further, leaving a gap can cause the rest of the teeth to move over time. Filling the space prevents this concern. Also, bridges provide a good option for many people compared to other tooth replacement options. Some patients may prefer that it is more affordable and does not require surgery compared to dental implants. Also, it provides a more permanent and stable option over removable dentures.

How Does the Bridge Procedure Work?

For a traditional bridge, the process starts with the creation of dental impressions. Our office has an iTero scanner, which allows us to create digital impressions. This technology makes the impression process easier and faster than in the past, while also providing high-quality imaging that helps create the ideal shape and fit of the bridge.

Dr. Reed prepares the abutment teeth on either side of the gap to hold the custom crowns that will go over them. Then, she attaches the bridge to these teeth with cement to hold it permanently in place. During this appointment, she may need to adjust the fit.  

Make a Consultation Appointment

Our team wants to help you reach your individual dental goals. When one or more teeth are missing, these goals often revolve around filling in the gaps. Our dentist is happy to perform an exam and talk to you about your tooth replacement options, which may include bridges.

Call our office at 740-622-5695 to make an appointment through our receptionist.