
Dental bonding offers a solution for numerous minor problems with teeth. It helps to restore strength and function to the teeth while also improving the appearance. This makes it a form of cosmetic dentistry, which prioritizes the final look of the tooth while considering the full function and restoration of it.

At Reed Family Dental, we offer dental bonding to give our community a simple and cost-effective treatment option. This technique solves dental problems and aims to prevent them from worsening while helping you look your best.

When Is Bonding Used?

Bonding is a treatment option with broad uses, which makes it an important tool in a dentist’s arsenal. Our dentist, Dr. Allison Reed, may use it to fix minor cracks and chips in a tooth. It can cover up discoloration or blemishes that are impacting the tooth’s appearance with a tooth-colored solution that blends right in with the rest of the teeth.

Bonding is also useful for slight changes to the shape, size and alignment of the teeth, while helping with appearance and bite. Our dentist can use it to extend or change the size and shape, to fill in a small tooth gap or to slightly change tooth alignment.

What Is the Bonding Process Like?

Our dentist uses a tooth colored composite resin that she adjusts to completely match the look of your natural teeth. Some patients prefer to whiten their teeth first so the bonding matches the brightest version of their teeth. This is a personal choice. 

The bonding process happens during a quick visit that generally takes place under an hour. During the visit, Dr. Reed prepares the tooth’s surface and applies a liquid that helps the composite resin attach to the tooth surface. She then applies the bonding material, and molds and adjusts it to fit the desired goal, such as covering the surface of a discolored tooth or filling the space of a gap.

Once Dr. Reed finishes molding the pliable material, she polishes it and sets it to give it the beauty and shine of a natural tooth.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

Our goal is to provide high-quality dental care to our community, which often translates to helping the patients who come to us prevent dental problems and use the most conservative treatment options. Bonding is an excellent tool that helps us meet our goals.

This dental service provides a simple, quick and affordable method of fixing minor problems and restoring the teeth, which helps improve appearance, tooth integrity and oral health. The process is painless, and the strong resin fills in cracks or chips to keep these problems from progressing.

When bonding fits a dental situation, it gives an alternative to more extensive interventions. The process is quicker and easier than restoration methods like crowns or veneers. Dental bonding is a great option for restoring teeth while also giving them the best appearance possible. Nonetheless, it’s not right for every situation, as some problems require a filling, a crown or a different solution. You may also have options to choose from.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment

Dr. Reed loves to perform an examination, talk to a patient about their dental situation and discuss available options. She can help you decide whether bonding is the right solution for your dental concern.

Call our friendly receptionist to set up your appointment. You can reach our office by calling 740-622-5695.